SD71 School District Musical 2019/20
Role: General Crew
The last district musical before COVID and my first experience working in theatre.
The last district musical before COVID and my first experience working in theatre. After developing a love of theatre performance during a trip to London (See more under “Ticket Stubs”), I heard an announcement requesting stage hands and set painters for the district musical, Xanadu. I initially got involved thinking it fit with my technology interests but soon learned that I was as in love with working on productions as I was with watching them. After years in the STEM world where I belonged, but didn’t fit, suddenly I found myself surrounded by a feeling of welcome and collaboration I hadn’t experienced before. While my role in this production could have been seen as small, or unimportant by the older cast and crew, I was immediately accepted and appreciated for my contributions.
Two weeks after our show closed, COVID-19 sent the world into lockdown. Which cancelled any plans SD71 had for a 2020/21 musical. Though this disrupted any theatre plans I had for grade 10, I'd caught the theatre bug and would find my way back to it once I was able to once more.